
In times past, the only option for people living without teeth were traditional dentures. The problem with them is that they don’t provide the complete support and stability that’s needed for a full recovery. With dental implants in Sacramento, though, a new day has dawned in the world of dentistry. As you read on, your dentist explains what implants are and what you should do to make sure they last.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone and mimic the natural tension and support provided by your roots. The implants consist of titanium posts that fuse with your existing bone structure through a process called osseointegration, and it is this feature that separates the dental implant procedure from any other form of restoration.

Another advantage of the dental implant procedure is that it has a 95% success rate. For this high standard to be maintained, though, requires that certain protocols be upheld.

Make Healthy Food Choices

Bacteria are the biggest threats to your oral health, and they love to feed on the sugars found in snack foods. If they are allowed to grow, they can cause your dental implants to unseat by decaying the gum tissue that surround them.

Making healthier food choices will enhance the environment in your mouth and raise the pH level to prevent the growth of bacteria. This, in-turn, will contribute to your dental implants lasting longer.

Say ‘No’ to Tobacco

Tobacco usage is detrimental to your overall health and can cause your dental implant to fail prematurely. One of the reasons is that the toxins released when you chew or smoke tobacco products tend to dry your mouth and sockets and cause infection, which can lead to your dental implant unseating.

Avoid Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

When you grind your teeth, it applies unnatural pressure that can cause both your restoration and implant to fail. This condition can be brought on by stress, anxiety or sleep apnea, but thankfully, there are treatments available.

Here are some of the options you have:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • A new exercise routine
  • A custom-made oral appliance to be worn at night

Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene

Another way to extend the life of your dental implants is to practice excellent oral hygiene. The two main practices you should engage in are brushing your teeth and flossing at least two times a day to clear away any harmful bacteria.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

When you visit your dentist for preventive care, your teeth are examined and cleaned thoroughly. The former ensures that there are no oral health problems developing that could affect the longevity of your dental implants. It also allows your dentist to assess the condition of your implants. Then, the thorough cleaning you receive will help to clear away harmful bacteria, plaque and tartar.

With your new dental implants, you’ll have a chance to live a normal life again, and by applying what you’ve learned here, your remade smile will be sure to last!

About the Author

Dr. Scott Grivas earned his dental degree from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry and has been in private practice for over 10 years. He has been awarded with a Fellowship with the International Dental Implant Association and has also received advanced training in Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation. Dr. Grivas restores patient’s smiles with dental implants at his private practice, and he can be reached for more information through is website.

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